Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chapter 6: Consumer Decision Making

Which one should I pick?

Whether or not a product will be purchased is left up to the consumer ultimately. But it is important for companies to study and assess the behavior of consumer wants and needs to further satisfy them with a specific product/service. The Microsoft Xbox 360 uses various techniques to draw in consumers and increase the demand of their product. Some of the techniques used by Microsoft to ease the difficulty of choosing a gaming system amongst the flurry are the following:
The Slogan-The slogan for the Xbox 360 is "jump in". With this slogan comes with it social connotations. When people are wondering if they should purchase an Xbox 360 or not they wonder if their friends have the systems and whether or not they have a certain game that they are interested in. The slogan "Jump In" builds an inner social circle amongst the Xbox 360 online gaming community and this therefore attracts many other gamers to "Jump In" and be apart of this inner circle. This in turn eases consumer decision making and makes the gaming system a necessity in a constantly changing gaming market.
The Original Xbox 360 (2005)
The New Xbox 360 Slim (2010)

The Appearance-The sleek appearance of the Xbox 360 is appealing to hardcore gamers. With the release of the revamped (2010) Xbox 360 an even more sleek and resilient look and feel adds to the Xbox 360's need recognition.
Abraham Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs
According to Abraham Maslow and the Hierarchy of needs our needs are recognized by the most important and works it's way up to the least important. The Xbox 360 being that it is a material good and is not needed for grave reasons is within the second and third tier (Esteem Needs, Social Needs). In reference to the slogan and the appearance; these two factors make it seem as though the Xbox 360 is more of a need than a want. In an ever changing technologically centered world people find themselves playing catch up with the latest and greatest tech gadgets in order to stay within social circles and norms.

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